Poisson–logarithmic half‑logistic distribution with inference under a progressive‑stress model based on adaptive type‑II progressive hybrid censoring

Document Type : Original Article


The researchers, engineers, and physical experimenters may face difficulty to get a distribution
that fits the failure data arising from certain systems. So, in this paper, a new
distribution is introduced, named Poisson–logarithmic half-logistic distribution, based
on a parallel–series system’s failure times. Specific statistical properties are investigated
for the introduced distribution. Also, two real data sets are considered to compare the
introduced distribution with some other distributions. The progressive-stress accelerated life test is applied using an increasing exponential function of time to units whose lifetimes are expected to follow the new distribution at normal stress conditions. Different estimation methods, such as maximum likelihood, percentile, least squares, and weighted least square methods, are considered on the basis of adaptive type-II progressive hybrid censoring. To assess the efficiency of the estimation methods, a simulation study is conducted, as well as numerical calculations
